No. 5 (264), issue 11Pages 13 - 24


A.A. Zamyshlyaeva, O.N. Tsyplenkova
Of concern is the optimal control problem for the Sobolev type equation of second order with relatively polynomially bounded operator pencil. The theorem of existence and uniqueness of strong solutions of initial-finish problem for abstract equation is proved. The sufficient and, in the case when infinity is a removable singularity of the A-resolvent operator pencil, the necessary conditions for optimal control existence and uniqueness of such solutions are found. The initial-finish problem for the Boussinesque - L'ove equation, which describes the longitudinal vibrations of an elastic rod, is investigated. We use the ideas and methods developed by G.A. Sviridyuk and his disciples. The proof of the existence and uniqueness of optimal control theorem is based on the theory of optimal control developed by J.-L. Lions.
Full text
Sobolev-type equations, relatively polynomially bounded operator pencil, strong solutions, optimal control.
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