No. 18 (277), issue 12Pages 32 - 43

Parametrization of the Electric Dipole Characterization Algorithms

A.V. Panyukov, A.K. Bogushov
The problem to identify the location parameters of an arbitrarily oriented electric dipole over an infinitely conducted plane by its electromagnetic field induced in the observation point is considered. This task is a one of mathematical models practically important problem of thunderstorms forecasting. To solve the problem because of its poor condition is proposed to use a parameterized set of algorithms, and the final decision to accept the results of statistical analysis. Parameterizations of the primal and extremal parametric methods in the middle of possible methods of identifying location parameters of an arbitrarily oriented electric dipole are considered. However it would be well to exploit more methods for increasing of statistical significance of result estimation. Put computational experiments results confirms efficiency the approach, but а wide variety of the measurement results do not lets to form up the well-provided measuring estimation of the dipole location parameters adequately. It is suggested the filtration of the measurement results based on the cleaner functionals and combination of them for improving of the measuring estimation of the dipole location parameters. For constructing of the cleaner functionals are applied the anti-trace and projection methods.
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inverse problem, algorithm parametrization, parametrical identification, statistical analysis, electric dipole.
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