No. 27 (286), issue 13Pages 58 - 68

The Problem of Optimal Measurement of Considering Resonances: the Program Algorithm and Computer Experiment

A.V. Keller, E.V. Zaharova
This article describes a program that implements the algorithm of the numerical method for solving the problem of optimal measurement taking into account resonances - the problem of recovering dynamically distorted signal, taking into account the inertia of the measuring device and its mechanical resonances to be solved by using methods of optimal control theory. The basic idea behind the algorithm is to represent the numerical solution of the component measuring trigonometric polynomials, which reduces the problem of optimal control to the problem of convex programming in the unknown coefficients of polynomials. Using standard methods, such as gradient, in solving a convex programming problem, the complexity of the functional quality, leading to unsatisfactory results. It is therefore proposed a different, simpler method, which, together with the more laborious. This paper presents a number of solutions to improve computing speed, a block diagram of the basic procedure of a program written in C + +, and the results of computer simulation models for a specific sensor.
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the problem of optimal measurement, optimal control, Leontief type systems, numerical solution, the program algorithm.
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