Volume 6, no. 2Pages 128 - 132

An Inverse Problem for a Linearized Quasi-Stationary Phase Field Model with Degeneracy

N.D. Ivanova
The inverse problem for a linearized quasi-stationary phase field model is considered. The inverse problem is reduced to a linear inverse problem for the first order differential equation in a Banach space with a degenerate operator at the derivative and an overdetermination condition on the degeneracy subspace. The unknown parameter in the problem dependens on the source time function. The theorem of existence and uniqueness of classical solutions is proved by methods of degenerate operator semigroup theory at some additional conditions on the operator. General results are applied to the original inverse problem.
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обратная задача, модель фазового поля, уравнение соболевского типа, вырожденный оператор, полугруппы операторов, банаховы пространства.
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