Volume 6, no. 3Pages 130 - 135

Mathematical Modelling of the Adiabatic Thermal Explosion for the Hydrogen Oxidation Reaction

E.E. Pigasov, V.K. Ryabinin, Y.M. Kovalev
This paper presents the results of mathematical modelling of the adiabatic reactor filled with a gas mixture of hydrogen and air. Despite the fact that the reaction of oxidation (combustion) of hydrogen is widely used for practical purposes, and there are a lot of publications, the development of kinetic schemes of hydrogen combustion is relevant at the present time. Various kinetic schemes of hydrogen combustion were tested and we have come to the conclusion that the most accurate description of the experimental data can be obtained using the complete oxidation kinetics. It is shown that the use of the reduced oxidation kinetics is relevant to describe the high-temperature asymptote, while the simplification of the mechanism to a brutto-reaction is suitable only for rough estimates.
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hydrogen, chemical kinetics, combustion and explosion, the induction period.
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