Volume 6, no. 4 Pages 128 - 133

Mathematical Modelling of Shock Wave Propagation in Heterogeneous Media with Chemical Transformations in the Gas Phase

E.S. Shestakovskaya
In the framework of the modified mathematical model of 'frozen', gas suspension that is invariant under Galilean transformation, the analysis of the influence of chemical reaction in the gas phase to the propagation of shock waves in a heterogeneous mixture is performed. It is shown that the shock wave can increase the rate of chemical reactions in the gas phase and the oxidation reaction results in an accelerated rise in temperature and pressure in the gas phase and increases the propagation velocity of the shock wave in a heterogeneous environment. Possible implementation situation where the loss of momentum and energy of the gas phase through the interaction with the condensed phase is fully compensated in the release of energy due to the gas phase chemical reactions, is possible. This fact must be taken into account when planning activities related to the prevention of technological disasters.
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heterogeneous medium; the phase; the shock wave.
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