Volume 7, no. 1Pages 121 - 133

Numerical Modelling of Dispersive Waves Generated by Landslide Motion

Yu.I. Shokin, , S.A. Beisel, , O.I. Gusev, , G.S. Khakimzyanov, , L.B. Chubarov, , N.Yu. Shokina
The authors study the surface waves which are generated by the submarine landsliding on a curvilinear bottom slope of a deep reservoir. The shallow water models of the first and second approximations are used to describe the surface waves. An underwater landslide is described by the model of motion of a 'quasi-deformed' body on curvilinear surface under the effect of mass and external forces. The numerical algorithm for solving the nonlinear dispersive equations is based on the finite differential approximation of the hyperbolic system, which is similar to the shallow water equations of the first hydrodynamic approximation and the elliptic equation for the depth-average dispersive pressure component. The comparison of the numerical results obtained in the framework of the dispersion-free shallow water model and the nonlinear dispersive model is done.
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underwater landslide; irregular bottom; surface waves; shallow water equations; nonlinear dispersive equations; landslide motion law; numerical algorithm.
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