Volume 12, no. 3Pages 161 - 169

Modelling of Electric Fields in Axisymmetric Systems for Cathode Protection of Underground Structures

Т.М. Shamsutdinova
The aim of this work is to carry out numerical calculation of electric fields in axisymmetric systems for cathode protection of underground structures against corrosion. As is known, cathode protection is a complex multi-parameter system, which has a number of features depending on the type and form of the protected structure, properties of the surrounding environment, etc. As a result, the modelling of protection parameters is quite complex and requires new more advanced computer technologies. In this work, we construct a mathematical model of the problem on the electric field distribution in an axisymmetric system for cathode electrochemical protection of underground structures. In addition, we propose an algorithm to solve the problem. The algorithm is based on the use of integral Green transformations and, in particular, the second Green integral formula. Also, we give an example of a computer implementation of the proposed algorithm in the case of a homogeneous half-space. The Scilab application package is used to implement the example.
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mathematical modelling; cathodic protection; electric field; Green integral formula; Scilab.
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