Volume 13, no. 1Pages 141 - 149

Mathematical Modelling of the Process of Homogeneous Condensation of a Mixture of Aluminum Oxide and Carbon Dioxide

S.A. Gruzd, M.A. Korepanov, A.A. Chukavina
The flow of saturated vapors of a mixture of aluminum, oxygen and argon in a supersonic nozzle is considered. The reactions of combining suboxides are determined, which constitute the bulk of the alumina clusters formed during condensation. A numerical simulation of a flow in a supersonic nozzle in a one-dimensional formulation was done. The obtained data on the quantitative composition of the formed combustion products, including alumina clusters, also have calculated data on the growth of the radius of critical oxide nuclei and the temperature of the mixture along the length of the nozzle. A significant change in the flow parameters in the nozzle is shown, which is caused by the heat generated during condensation. The results obtained are in qualitative agreement with the known experimental data on the size of particles formed during the homogeneous condensation of aluminum oxide.
Full text
mathematical modelling; homogenous condensation; supersonic nozzle; alumina; aluminum suboxides.
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