Volume 13, no. 2Pages 80 - 92

Modelling the Human Papilloma Virus Transmission in a Bisexually Active Host Community

O.M. Ogunmiloro
In this article, we construct a mathematical model describing the transmission dynamics of Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) in a bisexually active host community. Comprehensive mathematical techniques are used to qualitatively and quantitatively analyze the model. We analyze the local and global stabilities of the model's equilibria and show that if the basic reproduction number is less than unity, then the model is locally and globally asymptotically stable at the HPV-free static states. Also, if the basic reproduction number is less than unity, then the HPV-endemic static state is globally asymptotically stable. Numerical simulations are carried out and graphical illustrations are presented to validate the theoretical results.
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HPV; basic reproduction number; local stability; global stability.
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