Volume 13, no. 4Pages 5 - 18

Numerical Study of the Susuplume Air Pollution Model

S.M. Elsakov, D.A. Drozin, A.V. Herreinstein, T.G. Krupnova, S.G. Nitskaya, T.Yu. Olenchikova, A.A. Zamyshlyaeva
In this paper, we propose a SUSUPLUME air pollution as a modern application of the classical Gaussian plume model. The presented model takes into account meteorological conditions and parameters of the pollution sources. The classical model is supplemented by the equations of motion of the center of mass of a single emission. A numerical study has shown that in stationary weather conditions the presented model qualitatively coincides with other known models. The results of calculating the concentrations of pollutants do not contradict the obtained values based on the official methodology for calculating the maximum concentrations of pollutants approved for use in the territory of the Russian Federation. The SUSUPLUME model contains a number of identifiable parameters and it can be adapted to real conditions. The computational model consists of two blocks: a block for recording measurement information and a block for calculating the concentrations of pollutants. The measurement information registration unit has a low labor intensity (over a million registrations per second). The pollutant concentrations calculation block is laborious (400 points of calculations per second). Concentrations are calculated independently, it allows to use parallelization of the computational process in the future.
Full text
air pollution model; Gaussian plume model; Romberg's method.
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