Volume 14, no. 2Pages 78 - 84

The Problem of Identifying the Trajectory of a Mobile Point Source in the Convective Transport Equation

Kh.M. Gamzaev
We consider the problem of identifying the trajectory of a mobile point source described by the Delta function in a one-dimensional linear convective transport equation under a given additional boundary condition. To solve this problem, the Delta function is approximated by a continuous function and a discrete analog of the problem is constructed using finite-difference approximations in the form of an implicit difference scheme. To solve the resulting difference problem, we propose a special representation that allows to split the problem into two mutually independent linear first-order difference problems at each discrete value of a time variable. The result is an explicit formula for determining the position of a mobile point source for each discrete value of a time variable. Based on the proposed computational algorithm, numerical experiments were performed for model problems.
Full text
convective transport equation; mobile point source; identification problem; source motion law; delta function approximation.
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