Volume 15, no. 3Pages 83 - 95 On One Routing Problem Oriented on the Problem of Dismantling Radiation-Hazardous Objects
A.G. Chentsov, A.A. ChentsovWe consider a problem of sequential visiting of megalopolises under the preceding conditions and costs functions depending on the list of tasks currently unfulfilled. Selection of a routing process involving index permutation, trajectory and starting point is optimized; point of finish is optimized also. We use additive criterion consisting in summary costs of external (as for megalopolises) movings, costs of works related to visiting of megalopolises and assessments of the terminal state. Procedure of construction of optimal solution based on widely understood dynamic programming is investigated. The statement is focused on the problem of dismantling the system of radiation-hazardous sources; at the same time, it is assumed that not all sources are dismantled (it is possible when workers receive maximum doses of radiation), which requires evacuation in conditions of radiation exposure of sources that remain undismantled. A specific variant of the criterion is reduced to the summary dose of radiation received by an employee both at the stage of dismantling and at the stage of evacuation. An algorithm based on the theoretical constructions is proposed and realized on personal computer; a computational experiment is completed.
Full text- Keywords
- route; trace; preceding conditions; dynamic programming.
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