Volume 17, no. 2Pages 15 - 28

Mathematical Modelling of Moisture Distribution in Porous Media

A.N. Koshev, V.V. Kuzina, N.A. Koshev
We propose the mathematical model for distribution of moisture in porous material during the industrial wetting process for a number of assumptions. The model is presented in form of a boundary problem for ordinary differential equation. In current article we discuss possible methods of the solution of this problem, highlight some problems, which can occur during the solution. At the end of the paper, we present some numerical results of modelling wetting process for different materials and calculation of the parameters. The model under discussion allows to understand better the influence of parameters of the problem in order to optimize the wetting process in industry.
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mathematical modelling; porous material; moisture distribution; industrial humidification; boundary value problem for ordinary differential equation; boundary value problem for ordinary differential equation.
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