Volume 7, no. 1Pages 104 - 120

Shock Wave Structure in a Mixture of Condensed Media with Different Pressures

A.V. Fedorov
We solve the problem of the structure of the shock wave in the heterogeneous mixture within the model of the mechanics of heterogeneous compressible media with different velocities, temperatures and pressures of components, using the laws of conservation of mass, momentum and energy for each phase, supplemented by kinetic equation compaction. Physical problem is reduced to the analysis of some boundary value problem for ordinary differential equation. The well-posedness of this problem was shown. This allows one to classify the types of shock waves in the mixture in the form of frozen and dispersive shock waves. Mathematical model is verified by experimental data on the shock adiabat mixture of aluminum and epoxy. The limiting conditions for the applicability of this model in describing the shock-wave experiments in a heterogeneous mixture of condensed materials are determined.
Full text
mixture of compressible condensed media; relaxation shock wave; mathematical modeling.
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