Volume 11, no. 4Pages 78 - 93

Convergence Analysis of Linear Multistep Methods for a Class of Delay Differential-Algebraic Equations

Vu Hoang Linh, Nguyen Duy Truong, M.V. Bulatov
Delay differential-algebraic equations (DDAEs) can be used for modelling real-life phenomena that involve simultaneously time-delay effect and constraints. It is also known that solving delay DAEs is more complicated than solving non-delay ones because approximation of solutions in the past time is usually needed and discontinuity in higher derivatives of the solutions is typical. Recently, we have proposed and investigated linear multistep (LM) methods for strangeness-free DAEs (without delay). In this paper, we extend the use of LM methods to a class of structured strangeness-free DAEs with constant delay. For the approximation of solutions at delayed time we use polynomial interpolation. Convergence analysis for LM methods is presented. It is shown that, similarly to the non-delay case, the strict stability of the second characteristic polynomial associated with the methods is not required for the convergence if we discretize an appropriately reformulated DDAE instead of the original one. Numerical experiments are also given for illustration.
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delay differential-algebraic equation; strangeness-free; linear multistep method; stability; convergence.
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