Volume 17, no. 4Pages 5 - 21

Mobile Supervision Systems in Geoelectrics (Frequency Domain)

A.N. Alexandrov, M.L. Vladov, V.N. Krizsky
The influence of the speed of movement of the observation system on the results of measurements of the electromagnetic field is investigated. The relevance of this study is dictated by the increasing use of mobile surveillance systems in geoelectrics and the need to explore the possibility of using moving surveillance systems in the study of the structure of the geoelectric environment. In general, the Maxwell equations are obtained in the case of moving both sources and receivers of the electromagnetic field in the frequency domain. Boundary conditions are also obtained. Three important cases are considered. In the first case, a fixed receiver and a moving source of an electromagnetic field are considered. In the second, there is a moving receiver and a fixed source. The third case, which is of the most important importance for the practice of geophysical research, is based on fixing the distance between the source and the receiver, and the movement of such a measuring installation over an inhomogeneous medium. The research is illustrated by specific calculations based on solutions of direct problems for Maxwell's equations in the considered cases. Based on theoretical studies and mathematical modeling, the nature of the influence of the speed of movement of the observation system on the results of measurements of the electromagnetic field is shown.
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moving surveillance systems; georadar; direct electrodynamics problems.
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