Bulletin of the South Ural State University

Series “Mathematical modelling, programming & computer software”

Vestnik Yuzhno-Ural’skogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta

Seriya “Matematicheskoe modelirovanie i programmirovanie”

ISSN 2071-0216 (Print) ISSN 2308-0256 (Online)

Volume 18, no. 1

February 2025

Mathematical Modelling

5 - 14 Solving Parabolic-Hyperbolic Type Differential Equations with Spectral Analysis Method

Karahan Dinsever, Mamedov Residoglu

15 - 34 Method of Tangential Control of "Predator-Prey"

A.N. Kirillov, A.S. Ivanova

35 - 45 A Limiting Description in a Gaussian One-Armed Bandit Problem with Both Unknown Parameters

A.V. Kolnogorov

46 - 64 Differential Equations of Elliptic Type with Variable Operators and General Robin Boundary Condition in UMD Spaces

Rabah Haoua

65 - 78 Influence of Damping on the Amplitude and Phase of Oscillations of a System with Gyroscopic Connections

P.A. Taranenko, D.V. Telegin

79 - 91 Unstable Coupled Two-Tank Problem with a New Learning Rate Using an Adaptive Online Neuro-Fuzzy Controller

Haribhai R. Kataria, Umme Salma M. Pirzada, Kriti Dheerawat, Anant Kataria

Programming & Computer Software

92 - 103 Determination of the Time to Ignition for Samples from Pressed Tetranitropentaerythritol

N.I. Karmanov, O.V. Koynov, E.V. Pomykalov, S.V. Frolova

104 - 117 Solving Inverse Problems of Achieving Super-Resolution Using Neural Networks

B.A. Lagovsky, E.Y. Rubinovich, I.A. Yurchenkov

118 - 129 Solution of Two-Dimensional Fredholm Integral Equations of the Second Kind by the Method of Collocation and Least Squares with Polynomial Approximation

V.P. Shapeev, P.I. Kirillov